Module Contents
- class FieldWrapper(field)
Class to mimic h5py dataset interface for Dedalus fields.
- field
- attrs
- dims
- property shape
- class DimWrapper(field, axis)
Wrapper class to mimic h5py dimension scales.
- field
- axis
- basis
- dist
- property label
- plot_bot(dset, image_axes, data_slices, image_scales=(0, 0), clim=None, even_scale=False, cmap='RdBu_r', axes=None, figkw={}, title=None, func=None, visible_axes=True)
Plot a 2d slice of the grid data of a dset/field.
- Parameters:
dset (h5py dset or Dedalus Field object) – Dataset to plot
image_axes (tuple of ints (xi, yi)) – Data axes to use for image x and y axes
data_slices (tuple of slices, ints) – Slices selecting image data from global data
image_scales (tuple of ints or strs (xs, ys)) – Axis scales (default: (0,0))
clim (tuple of floats, optional) – Colorbar limits (default: (data min, data max))
even_scale (bool, optional) – Expand colorbar limits to be symmetric around 0 (default: False)
cmap (str, optional) – Colormap name (default: ‘RdBu_r’)
axes (matplotlib.Axes object, optional) – Axes to overplot. If None (default), a new figure and axes will be created.
figkw (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments to pass to plt.figure (default: {})
title (str, optional) – Title for plot (default: dataset name)
func (function(xmesh, ymesh, data), optional) – Function to apply to selected meshes and data before plotting (default: None)
visible_axes (bool, optional) – Set to false to remove x and y ticks, ticklabels, and labels
- plot_bot_2d(dset, transpose=False, **kw)
Plot the grid data of a 2d field.
- Parameters:
field (field object) – Field to plot
transpose (bool, optional) – Flag for transposing plot (default: False)
Other keyword arguments are passed on to plot_bot.
- plot_bot_3d(dset, normal_axis, normal_index, transpose=False, **kw)
Plot a 2d slice of the grid data of a 3d field.
- Parameters:
field (field object) – Field to plot
normal_axis (int or str) – Index or name of normal axis
normal_index (int) – Index along normal direction to plot
transpose (bool, optional) – Flag for transposing plot (default: False)
Other keyword arguments are passed on to plot_bot.
- class MultiFigure(nrows, ncols, image, pad, margin, scale=1.0, **kw)
An array of generic images within a matplotlib figure.
- Parameters:
nrows, ncols (int) – Number of image rows/columns.
image (Box instance) – Box describing the image shape.
pad (Frame instance) – Frame describing the padding around each image.
margin (Frame instance) – Frame describing the margin around the array of images.
scale (float, optional) – Scaling factor to convert from provided box/frame units to figsize. Margin will be automatically expanded so that fig dimensions are integers.
Other keywords passed to plt.figure.
- subfig
- fig
- intscale
- extra_w
- figx
- figy
- figure
- nrows
- ncols
- image
- pad
- margin
- add_axes(i, j, rect, **kw)
Add axes to a subfigure.
- Parameters:
i, j (int) – Image row/column
rect (tuple of floats) – (left, bottom, width, height) in fractions of image width and height
Other keywords passed to Figure.add_axes.
- class Box(x, y)
2d-vector-like object for representing image sizes and offsets.
- Parameters:
x, y (float) – Box width/height.
- x
- y
- property xbox
- property ybox
- class Frame(top, bottom, left, right)
Object for representing a non-uniform frame around an image.
- Parameters:
top, bottom, left, right (float) – Frame widths.
- top
- bottom
- left
- right
- property bottom_left
- property top_right
- quad_mesh(x, y, cut_x_edges=False, cut_y_edges=False)
Construct quadrilateral mesh arrays from two grids. Intended for use with e.g. plt.pcolor.
- Parameters:
x (1d array) – Grid for last axis of the mesh.
y (1d array) – Grid for first axis of the mesh.
cut_x_edges, cut_y_edges (bool, optional) – True to truncate edge quadrilaterals at x/y grid edges. False (default) to center edge quadrilaterals at x/y grid edges.
- get_1d_vertices(grid, cut_edges=False)
Get vertices dividing a 1d grid.
- Parameters:
grid (1d array) – Grid.
cut_edges (bool, optional) – True to set edge vertices at grid edges. False (default) to center edge segments at grid edges.
- pad_limits(xgrid, ygrid, xpad=0.0, ypad=0.0, square=None)
Compute padded image limits for x and y grids.
- Parameters:
xgrid (array) – Grid for x axis of image.
ygrid (array) – Grid for y axis of image.
xpad (float, optional) – Padding fraction for x axis (default: 0.).
ypad (float, optional) – Padding fraction for y axis (default: 0.).
square (axis object, optional) – Extend limits to have a square aspect ratio within an axis.
- get_plane(dset, xaxis, yaxis, slices, xscale=0, yscale=0, **kw)
Select plane from dataset. Intended for use with e.g. plt.pcolor.
- Parameters:
dset (h5py dataset) – Dataset
xaxis, yaxis (int) – Axes for plotting
xscale, yscale (int or str) – Corresponding axis scales
slices (tuple of ints, slice objects) – Selection object for dataset
Other keywords passed to quad_mesh