Classes for systems of coefficients/fields.
Module Contents
- class CoeffSystem(subproblems, dtype)
Representation of a collection of fields that don’t need to be transformed, and are therefore stored as a contigous set of coefficient data for efficient pencil and group manipulation.
- Parameters:
nfields (int) – Number of fields to represent
domain (domain object) – Problem domain
- Variables:
data (ndarray) – Contiguous buffer for field coefficients
- total_size
- data
- get_subdata(sp, ss=None)
- class FieldSystem(fields, subproblems)
Collection of fields alongside a CoeffSystem buffer for efficient pencil and group manipulation.
- Parameters:
field_names (list of strings) – Names of fields to build
domain (domain object) – Problem domain
- Variables:
data (ndarray) – Contiguous buffer for field coefficients
fields (list) – Field objects
nfields (int) – Number of fields in system
field_dict (dict) – Dictionary of fields
- domain
- array_shapes
- array_sizes
- buffer_size
- starts
- buffer
- flat_views
- array_views
- blocks
- perm
- group_buffer
- field_buffer
- gather()
Copy fields into system buffer.
- scatter()
Extract fields from system buffer.