Test simple EVPs.
Module Contents
- test_laplace_fourier(basis, N, dtype)
Test eigenvalues of Laplacian in Fourier bases.
- test_laplace_jacobi(N, a, b, dtype, sparse)
Test eigenvalues of Laplacian in Jacobi bases.
- test_laplace_jacobi_first_order(N, a, b, dtype)
Test eigenfunctions of Laplacian in Jacobi bases.
- test_disk_bessel_zeros(Nphi, Nr, radius, alpha, dtype, m)
Test eigenvalues of Bessel equation in disk bases.
- test_ball_bessel_eigenfunction(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, radius, alpha, dtype, ell)
Test eigenfunctions of Bessel equation in ball bases.
- test_ball_diffusion(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, radius, alpha, dtype, ell, bc)
Test eigenvalues of vector diffusion equation in ball bases with various BCs.